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Make Goal Setting A Priority

As they say, you cant achieve a goal that you don't have? To solve the problem of never having goals we have just added a "goals setting" feature to 4elife. Now you have no excuses for not setting goals and reaching them. And neither do we.

For one reason or another most people never set any goals at all  and so the 4eLife Goals Setting feature gives added incentive to set and reach goals. what could be more motivational than setting and reaching goals.

The Goals Setting Feature includes the following features:

  • The Main Details of the Goal (eg. write an ad campaign)
  • Already attained at start (eg. you have ads and advertising media in mind)
  • What you desire to attain (eg. To have an ad campaign up and running)
  • A list of Steps needed to complete the goal ( Your main task list)


Sample Feature List......


    • Members can create unlimited number of tasks that need to be fulfilled in order to attain a goal.
    • For each task, details of what needs to be accomplished is outlined and specific start and end dates are set.
    • Goal progress is tracked as upcoming, ongoing, outstanding, completed or failed.
    • Goals are flagged as fulfilled when all tasks are completed.
    • Task reminder - member can schedule to get a reminder message at a specified time before a task is scheduled to start or a specified time after a task is due to be completed. 
    • The Goal creator can choose to accept donations as part of the means to help attain the Goal. especially useful if the goal is cojmunity related or philanthropic in nature.
    • The Goal creator can list details or individuals, groups or companies that have assisted them in fulfilling steps of their Goal.
    • The Goal creator can post blogs on their Goals that outlines their day to day challenges, obstacles and achievements in their quest to fulfill goal tasks. 
    • Calendar on Goal view page displays the tasks that are scheduled to commence on any particular dates.
  • MEDIA GALLERY + Youtube Embedding
    • Members can upload Photos, Videos, Files and Audio broadcasts along with their Goal.
    • Members can Rate Goals. The goal author can turn this feature on/off.
    • Members can Comment on Goals. The goal author can turn this feature on/off.
    • Members can Invite other site members or external friends to check out a goal.
    • Allows sharing on Twitter, Facebook and other popular networks.
    • Members can choose who can access a Goal (friends only, everyone etc).

This all makes for a complete goals setting system you are bound to make use of on a regular basis so if you are;nt a member already sign up at and begin setting and tracking your goals.


Thanks for listening.

Stephen Hawkins. 


P.S. You can see a list of goals here or you can see an example of a test goal here.


Stephen Hawkins 20.06.2017 0 323
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