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Different Types of Thinking

When it comes to consciously processing information whether that process is used to make a decision, solve a problem or issue you may have or is to help you come up with the latest profitable product to create we use our thinking. Conscious thought.

The process of thought can be activated using one of several methods that include:

  • Analytical Thinking.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Creative Thinking.
  • Abstract Thinking.
  • Linear Thinking.
  • Non Linear Thinking.

Let's take a quick look at the basic process each type of thinking involves.

Strategic Thinking

Analytical Thinking - is the ability to disintegrate a whole concept, idea, project or business into several parts and is used to examine the whole using the bite sized chunks of that whole. Thinking in step by step procedures or systems helps to separate the parts into  more manageable chunks for deeper examination and or analysis.

Critical Thinking - is the evaluation process used to determine an idea, concept, project, business or information blocks value. With critical thinking you usually disintegrate the whole and examine each part in a critical way to best evaluate it's validity usually against another known factor or predetermined end result or outcome.

Creative Thinking - is the process of analysis or examination that usually gives rise to a new and innovative idea. The idea or solution is usually determined though a process of examination and reflection upon a given set of factors, ideas, systems, project or business. Creative thinking is thinking beyond the known factors to give birth to new ideas and innovations.

Abstract Thinking - is a process of using concepts to understand general ideas. Those concepts are then connected to other occurrences, experiences and events allowing you to understand a theory.

Linear Thinking - is thinking in step by step manner that logically orders the information idea or concept. Each step builds on the previous step to develop or reach a predetermined outcome.

Non Linear Thinking - is the ability to see the bigger picture that isn't usually seen or know when using linear thinking. Linear thinking interconnects the individual steps or parts of one or more ideas or concepts to come up with a much bigger and wider concept or picture.

Thinking Processes

The Integrating Factor - Developing A Product As  A Metaphor.

In creating a product to sell online all of the above thinking types are used integratedly and at one point in the product development process or another. First the product developer would have a good idea of the whole process of developing a product through the use of linear thinking, that came about due to his Analytical Thinking regarding a product niche and the subsequent Critical Thinking to determine the profitability within the chosen product niche.

The product developer then uses Creative Thinking to come up with a product that people may want to buy from the research and analysis of the product market that is innovative as well as appealing.

In the development of a product idea many concepts are usually analysed within a product and its possibilities which makes use of the Abstract Thinking method.

Divide And Conquer.
In truth the thinking processes we covered here are really just labels that describe the thinking process itself. Thinking makes use of all of these methods determined by which kind of thinking you are making use of. I realize that last statement didn't make any sense but when you take the word "thinking" from the equation and replace it with "Consciousness". You begin to see that the various thinking methods are just ways of using the human consciousness.

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words.
As we strive to think creatively, analytically, critically or any of the other thinking methods mentioned here or elsewhere we are really creating images in the mind on an ongoing basis to determine the outcomes of the thinking. Or we measure the results by the images we draw in the mind. When we see in our minds a concept that doesn't work towards a given outcome or end we eliminate that picture from our mind.

Memories Are Forever.
The images we create in our mind as part of the thinking process are invoked from various sources including known locations, memories and ideas brought together to form the concept within the mind. The concept then usually reflects or is reflected from either a conscious or subconscious image.

You can find out more about these and other thought processes at the The Peak Performance Center.



Stephen Hawkins 26.08.2016 0 1022
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