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Here at 4eLife we have recently added a new feature to the 4eLife website that allows Service Providers and Professionals to post their Business Style Profiles and advertise the Services they offer while facilitating Bookings for those Services. Profession
Stephen Hawkins 23.09.2017 0 10224

We have recently added a new feature to 4eLife that we call 4eLife experiences. it provides a section for users to share individual or a collection of life experiences relevant to your particular interest. You can add personal stories about your particular
Stephen Hawkins 11.09.2017 0 400

A Journal is the easiest way to plan and track happenings in your life. It facilitates keeping a daily record of news and events of a personal nature by allowing you to record your experiences.The 4eLife Journal helps with your upcoming plans and tasks, as
Stephen Hawkins 18.08.2017 0 521

The quiz feature allows members to create Quizzes that others can take. Users can browse quizzes, see others results, share quizzes, etc. MAIN PAGE SECTIONS ON QUIZ MAIN PAGEFeatured Quizzes sectionRecent Quizzes sectionPopular Quizzes section - Filtered b
Stephen Hawkins 18.08.2017 0 420

The tutorials feature functions as a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others.Here's a sample list of main tutorial features:TUTORIAL PUBLISHINGWhen creating
Stephen Hawkins 18.08.2017 0 411

A community is a social unit of any size that has an interest in helping each other. The 4eLife Online Community Builder Feature facilitates communities to gather virtually in an online environment and share common interests regardless of physical location
Stephen Hawkins 27.06.2017 0 475

This 4eLife feature allows individuals or companies to list their Portfolio of work already completed. Yet is flexible enough to accommodate virtually any kind of Portfolio... whether it's for physical work (such as a building contractor) or online work (s
Stephen Hawkins 27.06.2017 0 369

Probably the most loved feature of 4eLife is the business pages feature. It allows members to create any type of page, such as a business page, fan page, entertainment page, information page and many other kinds of pages. 4eLife business pages has some spe
Stephen Hawkins 27.06.2017 0 308

This lates 4eLife featureallows the creation of multiple types of Contests to run on your profile. You can choose from: Photo Contests, Video Contests, Music Contests and Writing Contest.   See below for a sample list of the main features of the
Stephen Hawkins 27.06.2017 0 335

This 4eLife social community has a great new feature. It's the Project Management Feature that helps members implement a Project Management tool. It gives the ability to create projects and subsequently manage its aspects such as Clients, Project Sponsors,
Stephen Hawkins 27.06.2017 0 330
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